November 2008. Stoic Grammar
Leeds Classics Research Seminar. University of Leeds     [by invitation]
December 2008. Ancient Linguistic Science & Textual Criticism: the Possessive Pronoun ὅс in Homer
Language—Text—Literature: Ancient Scholarship and Grammar. University of Thessaloniki     [by invitation]
August 2008. Organisation of Workshop The Notion of Person in Greek Grammar
International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences XI. University of Potsdam     [peer reviewed]      [Abstract] The grammatical category of person has been widely discussed in the last years, but a generally accepted account has yet to be found. Our workshop proposes to contribute to this quest by first unearthing the original notion of person, and then following its trajectory over the course of a millenium. The focus of our discussion will be on the various definitions proposed by the Greek grammarians:
   /i/ Aristarchus (second century BC) in all likelihood first used the notion of person. Since none of his works has survived, we shall begin by trying to establish what this notion was and how he came to it. We shall then examine how it is related to the well-known definition of person found in the Techne, the manual attributed to Aristarchus’ pupil Dionysius Thrax.
   /ii/ In his treatise on pronouns, Apollonius Dyscolus (second century AD) famously showed the standard definition of person in terms of speaker and addressee to be inappropriate. Scholars disagree on whether Apollonius’ amended version escapes his criticisms.
   /iii/ Choeroboscus (ninth century) cites the Techne’s definition in his commentary on Theodosius’ Verbal Canons, proves it wrong, and then argues for a more complete version, directly inspired by Apollonius’ proposal in the Pronoun, yet, it appears, not identical to it.
   /iv/ Papyri afford a few precious echoes of the ancient debates.
July 2007. Substance in Apollonius Dyscolus
Joint Session of the Henry Sweet Society and the Studienkreis Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft: University of Helsinki     [peer reviewed]
January 2007. Stoic Deixis
Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy & Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association: San Diego, CA      [peer reviewed]
January 2007. The Definition of Pronouns according to Apollonius Dyscolus
North American Association for the History of the Language Sciences & Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of America: Anaheim, CA     [peer reviewed]
November 2006. Posidonius on Connectives
Greco-Roman Philosophy in the First Century bc: University of Cambridge     [by invitation]
October 2006. Le De pronomine de Priscien et son modèle grec
Priscien, Colloque co-organisé par l’UMR HTL (CNRS 7597 / Paris VII) et l’université de Paris VII, sous le patronage de la Société d’Histoire et d’Épistémologie du Langage: École normale supérieure, Lyon     [by invitation]
July 2006. Stoic Definite Articles
Joint Session of The Aristotelian Society and The Mind Association: University of Southampton     [peer reviewed]
(My paper is one of eight Graduate Papers whose authors have all expenses paid by TAS and TMA.)
June 2006. Aristarchus’ definition of pronouns
Historiography of Linguistics in the 21st Century, International Colloquium of the SGdS: Leiden University     [peer reviewed]
April 2005. The semantics of articles according to Apollonius Dyscolus
Ancient Grammar, Colloquium organised jointly by the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Seminarium Historiographiae Linguisticae of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven: Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg     [peer reviewed]
March 2004. Selbstreferenz bei Apollonios Dyskolos
Colloquium of the Studienkreis für Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft: Humboldt-Universität, Berlin     [peer reviewed]
November 2003. Workshop on Apollonius’ treatise on adverbs
Organised by Jean Lallot and Sylvain Brocquet: École normale supérieure, Paris     [by invitation]
August 2003. What is a pronoun?
Colloquium of The Henry Sweet Society: Trinity College, Dublin     [peer reviewed]
January 2003. τοιοῦτοc — un pronom?
Séminaire des doctorants en philosophie antique: Université de Genève
October 2002. Comment appeler au juste les pronoms possessifs?
Séminaire des doctorants en philosophie antique: Université de Genève
June 2002. Les pronoms dits inarticulés
Séminaire des doctorants en philosophie antique: Université de Genève
March 2002. Qu’est-ce qu’un pronom?
Séminaire des doctorants en philosophie: Université de Genève
November 2001. Les articles définis des Stoïciens
Séminaire conjoint entre l’ENS et l’Université de Genève
December 2000. Comment appeler au juste la classe des pronoms?
Séminaire conjoint des départements de philosophie antique des universités de Genève, de Lausanne et de Fribourg
June 1999. La définition des pronoms selon Apollonius Dyscole
Séminaire conjoint entre l’ENS et l’Université de Genève